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Signs of Brain Damage

Car accident victims sustain traumatic brain injuries more frequently than you might think. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) involves brain damage that results from an impact or jolt to the brain. TBIs range in severity from a concussion (mTBI) to severe damage that may cause lifetime impairments and even death. Brain damage becomes even more […]

Road Bicycle Accidents

Whether you bike for recreation or transportation, biking is good for us and the environment. However, streets are primarily designed for fast-moving and unhindered motor vehicles and can often prove dangerous for bicyclists. In the U.S., cyclist fatalities have increased by 25 percent over the previous year. What Causes Road Bicycle Accidents? Accidents on the […]

How Much Is a Back Injury Worth in a Car Accident Claim?

Of the many injuries that an individual can suffer in a car accident, a back injury is one of the most painful and debilitating. Drivers and passengers who suffer back injuries frequently find themselves in agonizing pain for weeks or even months. Even after multiple surgeries intended to repair an injury, it may never completely […]

How Much Does a Helmet Improve Survival in a Motorcycle Crash

When you ride a motorcycle, you think about the freedom of rolling along in the open air. In some ways, helmets are the opposite of that. They’re sometimes uncomfortable on hot days, they may get in the way, and some are just plain ugly. Helmets don’t meet everyone’s expectations for comfort and good looks, but […]

How to Define Concussions and What You Need to Know About Them

Concussions occur regularly throughout the country. A wide variety of accidents can lead to concussions, including car accidents, motorcycle accidents, sports accidents, and more. If you or a loved one has suffered a concussion in an accident, you should reach out to an experienced traumatic brain injury attorney to determine your eligibility to seek compensation […]

What if Brakes Malfunction in a Truck and Injure You?

A truck accident is often catastrophic because of the weight of the truck, the trailer, and the payload. The driver isn’t always at fault; in some cases, the driver of another vehicle, the truck’s maintenance crew, the condition of the roads, the person loading the truck, or even the manufacturer of the brakes may have […]

14 Times When Most People Crash Their Motorcycles

And Seven Ways to Avoid Motorcycle Crashes For many years, motorcycles have had higher accident rates than any other vehicles. The accidents often occur, not due to negligence or recklessness on the part of the motorcycle rider, but because of the negligence of other drivers. Part of the problem has to do with how the […]

Motorcycle Crash Fatalities

While many enjoy the open road and the sense of adventure that comes with motorcycle riding, the fact is that motorcyclists are far more likely to die in a traffic accident than the occupants of other vehicle types. This piece provides information about fatal motorcycle crashes, ways to keep safe when you ride, and what […]

How Long Do Concussion Symptoms Last?

Did you suffer a concussion and, days or weeks later, find yourself wondering when your symptoms will subside? Many people regard concussions as minor injuries that resolve on their own without difficulty. In truth, concussions are serious injuries involving one of the body’s most important organs—the brain—and there’s no way to predict how long the […]

UIM Claims

Hit by an Uninsured Motorist? A Car Accident Lawyer Can Help Every state requires drivers to carry auto insurance, but even so, some drivers choose to not pay for adequate auto insurance and just hope they do not get into an accident. Unfortunately, when those drivers cause accidents, their lack of enough, or any, insurance […]

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Contact us to schedule your free consultation today.

We know that accidents don’t always happen during business hours. That’s why our experienced lawyers are standing by, 24/7/365, to listen to your story, evaluate your claim, and help you decide what to do next. Call us now and we’ll see if we can pursue compensation for your injuries!

Call us for a free consultation today icon 407-422-4529