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How Our Lawyers Handle an Allstate Injury Claim

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Although Allstate’s advertising slogan assures you that “you’re in good hands,” many people who file claims with the insurance giant discover that’s not always the case. In fact, Allstate has ranked among the nation’s worst for policyholders and third-party claimants who file auto or property insurance claims.

If you have Allstate as your insurance provider—or if the driver who caused your accident and injures you uses Allstate—you may run into challenges with getting the compensation and benefits you need. The company uses notorious lowball settlements and aggressive litigation to reduce the amount they will pay on claims and employs questionable defense tactics to deny valid claims.

You don’t have to accept Allstate’s treatment and deal with them on your own. Contact an experienced car accident attorney at Michael T. Gibson, P.A., Auto Justice Attorney to fight for your rights and interests. We understand the tactics Allstate uses to reduce or deny claims and our lawyers know how to handle an Allstate injury claim.

Allstate’s History and Legal Troubles

Founded in 1931 as a subsidiary of Sears, Allstate has grown to become the second-largest insurer in America, with more than 16 million customers and more than $51 billion in annual revenue. It also charges some of the most expensive insurance premiums of all insurance carriers.

Allstate has gained a bad reputation for focusing more on the interests of its shareholders than its policyholders or claimants.

The company has a history of engaging in bad faith insurance practices, such as:

  • Forcing injured victims to use doctors the company hires
  • Not investigating a claim in a reasonable time
  • Outright accusing victims of causing the accident and their injuries despite evidence that proves otherwise
  • Denying a claim for no legitimate reason
  • Using lowball settlement offers and strong-armed litigation efforts to pressure claimants into accepting less than their claim is worth
  • Requiring excessive documentation and evidence
  • Placing more interest on profits than honoring their policies and giving victims and claimants what they deserve

Because of its unethical business practices, Allstate has faced numerous lawsuits over the years.

How Allstate Handles Third-Party Claims

If the negligent driver who hit you and caused your injuries had Allstate as their auto insurance provider, the insurer considers you a third party. Thus, you will file a third-party injury claim with Allstate—and you will want the help of our attorneys to do this.

After receiving your claim, Allstate will assign a claims representative or adjuster to your case. The adjuster will interview you and the other driver to get your versions of how the accident occurred, and they may inspect both vehicles and use other information and evidence to determine the cause of the crash, such as police reports.

If the adjuster determines their policyholder in fact caused the crash, they will determine how much compensation to offer you, if any. They will base the compensation amount on the policy’s limits, and they will likely encourage you to seek any other compensation above those limits from your own auto insurance provider.

Allstate’s Lowball Settlements

Most insurance companies do not like to pay on claims because it eats into their profits and reduces their bottom lines. Allstate is no different. The company’s adjusters carefully review and critique every aspect of an injury claim and look for anything to deny or discredit it. If they can’t find evidence to refute the claim, the adjuster will offer a lowball settlement in the hopes the claimant will accept it and move on.

Allstate and other insurance companies understand that accident victims are typically in shock and not thinking clearly—and that they usually want their money as quickly as possible. Insurers sometimes take advantage of the opportunity to manipulate a victim into accepting an offer.

The problem with this scenario is:

  1. The settlement offer won’t likely cover all the expenses related to your injury.
  2. When you accept a settlement, you sign a waiver promising not to pursue additional compensation. In other words, that money is all you get, and you can’t seek any more, even if the bills from your accident continue to accumulate.

You shouldn’t let Allstate bully you into accepting a lowball settlement, and you shouldn’t accept any settlement until you have discussed your case with an experienced car accident attorney.

How Our Experienced Car Accident Attorneys Can Help with Your Allstate Claim

How Our Lawyers Handle an Allstate Injury ClaimAllstate loves it when an injured car accident victim files a claim without an attorney because the insurer knows that the average person doesn’t have the legal knowledge or skills to handle the process effectively.

To protect your interests, you need a car accident attorney on your side with experience handling Allstate claims and the questionable tactics they use to reduce or deny claims.

When it comes to handling an Allstate injury claim, we follow a systematic and strategic approach.

While the specific legal strategies may vary depending on your case, we will begin with a free initial consultation. During this meeting, you will provide us with details about the accident, your injuries, and any supporting documentation or evidence you have. We will assess the strength of your case and determine the best course of action.

If we decide to work together, you can rely on us to help you handle your Allstate injury claim through:

  • Investigation. We will thoroughly investigate the accident and gather police reports, medical records, photographs, witness statements, and any other relevant evidence. We will assess the liability and damages involved to build a strong case for you.
  • Medical evaluation. We can arrange for a medical evaluation to establish the extent of your injuries and their impact on your life. This evaluation helps determine the nature and severity of your injuries, as well as the necessary medical treatments you need and any potential long-term effects.
  • Communication with Allstate. Our lawyers will communicate with Allstate for you. We will handle all correspondence, file your claim, negotiate with the insurance adjuster, and protect your rights throughout the process. We will also review any settlement offers to determine if they will fully cover your injuries and losses.
  • Document preparation. We will prepare all necessary legal documents, like demand letters, legal briefs, and court filings if a lawsuit becomes necessary. We will file accurate, complete paperwork within the required deadlines.
  • Negotiation and settlement. You can count on us to negotiate with Allstate to reach a fair settlement. We will advocate for you and fight for maximum compensation based on the extent of your injuries, medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and other damages. If we cannot reach a settlement, we may proceed to litigation.
  • Litigation and trial. If we cannot achieve a fair settlement through negotiation, we may file a lawsuit against Allstate. We will represent you in court, present your case, and argue on your behalf. We will handle all aspects of the trial, presenting evidence, cross-examining witnesses, and making persuasive arguments to the judge or jury to help sway their decision in your favor.

Throughout the entire process, our lawyers will provide guidance, support, and legal advice tailored to your situation. We will protect your rights, handle complex legal matters, and work diligently towards securing the compensation you deserve for your injuries and losses.

Allstate Does Not Want to Go to Court

Trials are expensive, and even though Allstate makes billions of dollars each year, they do not want to waste money on defense attorneys if they don’t have to.

Our personal injury attorneys work on contingency and only get paid if we recover compensation for you. However, Allstate must pay their defense attorney up front, and some lawyers charge them $400 or more an hour. As such, the company can pay far more in legal fees than the case is worth—not to mention the bad press Allstate will receive if the case goes to trial.

Our lawyers understand the pressures Allstate is under to settle claims outside of court, and we can use this to your advantage during settlement negotiations to get you the maximum amount possible.

Additionally, we will prepare your case from the start as if it were going to trial, and we can file a lawsuit in court for you. Filing a lawsuit doesn’t mean your case will actually make it to trial, but sometimes, this can send a message to Allstate that we have a strong case, which may spur them into negotiating a fair settlement.

We May File a Bad Faith Action Against Them

Car Accident Lawyer, Michael T. Gibson

As stated, Allstate has a bad reputation for engaging in bad faith practices, and many lawsuits against it have alleged unethical behavior. If you feel Allstate unjustly denied or delayed your claim, contact our experienced car accident attorneys for help.

We know how to pressure Allstate to respond and provide answers or decisions regarding your claim. We also know Florida’s insurance laws and how to establish bad faith actions against insurance companies. Successfully navigating a bad faith action requires a high burden of proof and substantial evidence, but our lawyers have extensive experience holding insurance companies accountable, and we will fight hard for you each step of the way.

Contact an Experienced Car Accident Injury Attorney Today

Do not feel intimidated by Allstate or any other insurance company that tries to pressure you into accepting a lowball settlement or flatly denies your claim. You have rights and options for getting the compensation you need, and you can contact our experienced car accident lawyers at Michael T. Gibson, P.A., Auto Justice Attorney at (407) 490-1271 for help.

Are You in Need of Legal Assistance?

Contact us to schedule your free consultation today.

We know that accidents don’t always happen during business hours. That’s why our experienced lawyers are standing by, 24/7/365, to listen to your story, evaluate your claim, and help you decide what to do next. Call us now and we’ll see if we can pursue compensation for your injuries!

Call us for a free consultation today icon 407-422-4529