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What To Do If You Lost Your Job After a Car Accident in Florida

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If you’ve lost your job after a car accident in Florida, don’t navigate the legal complexities alone. Contact us today at Michael T. Gibson, P.A., Auto Justice Attorney. You can either call our office at (407) 422-4529 or fill out one of our short contact forms. Our firm is here to help you.

 Our experienced attorneys have helped countless individuals recover from job loss after car accidents in Florida. We understand the stress and uncertainty this brings, so we’re here to help you through it with care and expertise. Call Michael T. Gibson, P.A., Auto Justice Attorney at (407) 422-4529 to speak with one of our attorneys during your free consultation.

Florida roads witness numerous car accidents every year. In 2021, the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Department reported 401,533 road accidents, of which 3,445 resulted in fatal collisions. 

Car accident victims are often left to deal with injuries, property damages, and lost jobs after a car accident, facing financial difficulties due to the loss of income. But with a reputable legal companion in such an overwhelming period, you can rest assured things will be back on the track. 

lost job after car accident

What Can You Do if You Lost Your Job After a Car Accident?

Should you experience job loss after a car accident, your primary option is to explore the possibility of filing a personal injury claim to seek compensation. You will need to establish a direct correlation between the accident and your job loss in order to recover for lost wages in Florida.

How Can a Lawyer Help If You Have Lost Your Job After Car Accident in Florida?

Partnering with a reputable lawyer right after a car accident in Florida is wise. A car accident lawyer can quickly work to get you compensation for your injuries and damages you suffered in an accident. They can fight on your behalf to secure your rightful compensation.

The lawyer will play an important role in the following:

  • Collecting evidence that will add weight to your claim
  • Chasing after insurance companies or employers to ensure you recover your damages and lost wages
  • Represent you in a court of law in case the issue goes that route
  • Advise you on the dos and don’ts to safeguard your chances of getting your rightful compensation

If you or your loved one has lost a job after a car accident in Florida, you need a reliable lawyer. Auto Justice Attorney Michael T. Gibson. Our team of experienced Orlando car accident attorneys serve victims of accidents all across Central Florida.

Call us now to schedule a free consultation. 

What Kind of Job-Related Damages Can You Recover After a Car Accident in Florida?

Here are job-related damages that a top-in-class lawyer can help you recover:

1. Lost wages

You may get compensation for the amount of time you cannot work due to an injury you sustained from a car accident. The extent of your injury, time lost, and your insurance company usually determine the amount of lost wages. 

Suppose the accident left you with broken ribs, making you unable to work for five months. In this case, your insurance company may pay you an amount worth five months of your income. 

2. Lost earning capacity

Long-term disability or more severe injury may lead to loss of ability to earn a former or standard wage. In this case, you’re entitled to lost earning capacity. 

Suppose you’re a driver and lose both hands in an accident. This will reduce your ability to earn the same amount you used to bring home before the crash. Here, you may file for lost earning capacity claims. 

3. Missed opportunities

If you’re an independent contractor or a commission-based worker, a car accident injury may result in loss of job opportunities or particular pay. In this case, you may qualify for missed opportunities compensation. 

What Options are Available for Lost wages, Job opportunities, and Earning Capacity?

If you lost the ability to work after car accident, several insurance plans and options may come to your rescue in Florida.

1. Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance

Every driver in Florida should have $10,000 in PIP cover for car crashes. In the event of a crash, you receive 60% of lost wages plus 80% of medical expenses up to $10,000, according to Florida Statute 627.736.

Basically, Florida is a no-fault state, meaning you cannot bring a lawsuit against the at-fault driver. So, you should approach your own PIP insurance provider even if you weren’t at fault. 

But “serious injuries” warrant an exception to the no-fault rule. In the eyes of Florida’s laws, a severe injury is that which led to:

  • More than $10,000 in medical expenses 
  • Permanent disfigurement (such as loss of limbs) 
  • High medical probability of permanent injury, or
  • Death. 

In such cases, you can file a personal injury lawsuit or third-party insurance claim against an at-fault vehicle operator. If you lost wages, missed job opportunities, or lost earning capacity, the suit may help you recover them.

2. Florida Personal Injury Claim

Suppose you lost your job due to an injury from a car accident that falls outside the PIP claim and isn’t related to your work. In this case, you can file a personal injury lawsuit against the party who caused your injury. 

You must provide evidence that:

  • The at-fault driver’s negligence directly resulted in the car accident
  • The accident caused your injuries
  • You suffered injuries due to the crash

This option is also available if a third party caused your work-related injury, such as a general contractor or site owner. 

3. Workers’ compensation claims for work-related injuries

Did you sustain an injury while performing a work-related task such as doing errands driving a company vehicle? You’re entitled to a workers’ compensation claim from your employer whether you or someone else was responsible for the accident. 

Typically, you’ll get about two-thirds of your lost wages. Did the accident leave you with permanent or long-term occupational disability? The employer should compensate you for this too. 

4. Wrongful job termination claim

You’re entitled to periodic benefits until you attain Maximum Medical Improvement. If an employer terminates your job for claiming workers’ compensation or benefits, you can file for a wrongful termination claim. 

Proof of Lost Wages after a Car Accident in Florida

The insurance company or court will require proof of lost wages, missed job opportunities, or lost earning ability. Excellent evidence include:

  • Proof of injuries and medical treatment
  • Copies of documents showing your income, such as W-2 statements, pay stubs, income statements, and tax returns
  • Employer’s statement proving your wages and the period you didn’t work due to the injury

However some insurance companies may deny your claim or refuse to pay the amount you deserve. That’s why it’s crucial to first contact a personal injury lawyer before speaking with your insurance company. 

What to Do after a Car Accident to Secure your Rightful Compensation

Your action after a car accident can make or break your claim.

The following steps will boost chances of recovering lost wages.

1. Dial 911 immediately

A car accident can throw anyone into a whirlwind of shock. Some injuries might go unnoticed until later due to numbness. 

So call 911 as soon as possible and inform the operator about the accident’s location. Be as specific as possible- for example, you can describe the landmarks or mile markers. 

The operator should inform police and medical personnel immediately. Avoid moving your vehicle from the scene of the accident unless it’s blocking traffic.

2. Call the police

Under Section 316.065, Florida Statutes, you should call law enforcers to file a crash report if the accident caused:

  • Property or damage of $500 or more
  • Injury or death

If the accident doesn’t satisfy the above conditions, you can complete Driver Exchange of Information or Driver Report of Traffic Crash (Self Report). 

It’s recommended to call the police, especially if the other driver was negligent, driving under the influence (DUI), or caused a hit-and-run accident. That way, the police report can add weight to your claim. Remember to request the police’s name, contacts, and badge number. 

3. Document what you can remember

Meanwhile, document anything you can remember before the crash, such as:

  • Traffic light’s color
  • Your direction
  • Signs of DUI 
  • Driving while on the phone

Exchange vehicle, personal, and insurance information with the other driver. If the driver didn’t stop, record as many details as possible about their vehicle. Police can use prominent details (such as make, model, plate number, color) or even minor ones (such as bumper dents and stickers) to find them. 

4. Collect evidence

For your claim or lawsuit to sail through, you need rock-solid evidence. So, take videos and images of the vehicles at different angles. If possible, include other relevant details in your videos or photos, such as:

  • Traffic signs
  • Street markings
  • Obstacles on the road
  • Weather conditions
  • Audio such as other driver’s slurred speech or admission of fault

You can also ask available and willing witness to give their accounts of the accident. Record them in a video if possible and list down their name and contact details. 

5. Call a personal injury lawyer

Your own or other driver’s insurance company will rarely have your interest at heart. Their goal is to reimburse you as little as possible or avoid paying altogether. 

So avoid calling or speaking to them, as your words can work against you. Instead, call your personal injury lawyer to handle them from the beginning to the end. 

A great lawyer will fight for you, not against you. They have experience in personal injury cases and understand the best the tricks of insurance companies and at-fault drivers. So you can rely on them to improve your chances of recovering all your lost wages.

Protect Your Rights ,Our Experienced Lawyers are At Your Service

A car accident can throw you into a spiral of sustained injuries, damaged properties, skyrocketing medical bills, trauma, and lost wages. Battling large insurance companies to get your rightful insurance coverage can be an uphill battle.

That’s why we are here for you. Our team of car accident attorneys have experience dealing with insurance companies of all sizes. Did the accident leave you with more severe injuries, disability, or death of a loved one in Orlando or Florida? Let’s help you fight for your total compensation in the court of law.

Every case is unique. So we offer a listening ear to every person who have lost their job after a car accident. After that, we tailor the most suitable solution. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions After Losing Your Job Followed a Car Accident

Below are answers to some frequently asked questions about job loss after a car accident in Florida:

What are my rights if I lost my job after accident in Florida?

If you lost your job after a car accident in Florida, you have the right to seek compensation for your losses, including lost wages, medical expenses, and other damages. Florida’s laws allow you to pursue legal action to recover reparation for your losses.

Can I receive compensation for lost wages and medical expenses in Orlando?

You may be entitled to compensation for lost wages and medical expenses resulting from a car accident If you were injured while on the job. Depending on the circumstances of the accident and the extent of your injuries, you may be able to recover damages through a personal injury claim against the at-fault party’s insurance company or through other available avenues for compensation.

How long do I have to file a personal injury claim?

In Florida, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim after a car accident is typically four years from the date of the accident. It’s important to act promptly and consult with a qualified personal injury attorney to ensure that you meet all deadlines and preserve your right to seek compensation for your injuries and losses.

Can an Orlando car accident lawyer help me recover lost wages from my job?

An experienced Orlando car accident lawyer could help you recover lost wages after losing your job due injuries from a car accident. An attorney can assist you in filing a claim against the at-fault party’s insurance company to seek compensation for the wages you’ve lost as a result of your injuries after a car accident. A skilled lawyer will gather evidence, negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf, and advocate for your rights to ensure you receive the rightful compensation available for your lost wages.

Contact us today at 407-422-4529 or on our website to schedule a free consultation.

Are You in Need of Legal Assistance?

Contact us to schedule your free consultation today.

We know that accidents don’t always happen during business hours. That’s why our experienced lawyers are standing by, 24/7/365, to listen to your story, evaluate your claim, and help you decide what to do next. Call us now and we’ll see if we can pursue compensation for your injuries!

Call us for a free consultation today icon 407-422-4529