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St. Patrick’s Day Safety Tips

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At the law firm of Michael T. Gibson we want to remind drivers to put safety first this St. Patrick’s Day and never get behind the wheel if you have been drinking. In 2013, 31 people were killed in alcohol-related crashes on St. Patrick’s Day. From 2009 to 2013, 276 people died in drunken driving crashes over the St. Patrick’s Day weekend. More importantly, three out of four alcohol-related fatalities occurred to drivers who had blood-alcohol levels at more than double the legal limit. You certainly don’t have to be Irish to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and automobile accidents do not discriminate. Consider a sober driver your luckiest charm this St. Patrick’s Day!

Here are some safety precautions from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA):

  • Designate a sober driver before the party begins. Even if you have only had a couple of drinks, you may be impaired and should not drive. Buzzed Driving IS Drunk Driving.
  • If you do not designate a sober driver, use the NHTSA’s SaferRide app to phone a taxi, public transportation, a sober friend or family member. The average driving under the influence citation costs approximately $10,000. These are all cheaper alternatives and can save lives.
  • Never let a friend drive intoxicated. Arrange a safe ride home for them.
  • Do not ride in a vehicle with a driver who is intoxicated.
  • Always buckle up. This is your best defense against drunk drivers.

Safety tips if you are hosting a St. Patrick’s Day party:

  • Ensure all of your party guests designate a sober driver in advance. Keep in mind, the hours after the party are the most dangerous. Between midnight and 5:59 a.m. on March 18, 2013, 55 percent of crash fatalities involved drunk drivers.
  • Offer plenty of food and an assortment of non-alcoholic beverages at your party.
  • Stop serving alcohol a few hours before the party ends and opt to serve non-alcoholic drinks and food.
  • Take the keys from anyone who is thinking of driving home after drinking. Call them a cab. Remember: you can be held liable if someone you served alcohol ends up in a drunken driving crash.
  • Parents or other adults who provide alcohol to, or host a party where alcohol is served, those under the age of 21 could face jail time.

Related Resources:

Get Help If You Need it on St. Patrick’s Day

We want you to celebrate safely this St. Patrick’s Day. If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, it is important that you contact an experienced Orlando Auto Accident Lawyer immediately. At the Law Firm of Michael T. Gibson we offer complimentary case evaluations. We can review any settlement offer you have received from the insurance company to determine whether you have a case that may entitle you to receive greater compensation. Our experienced team of accident attorneys can help you obtain the much needed compensation for your medical bills, future medical treatment, property damage, loss of wages, pain and suffering, etc. Feel free to fill out our quick contact form on our website to discuss your legal options in greater detail.

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