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Three Ways Motorists Can Help Prevent a Motorcycle Accident in Orlando

When you sit behind the wheel of a car, you are used to the protection of the metal “cage” that surrounds you. For the motorcyclists, this type of protection is not available, making their ride alongside you potentially dangerous. As a motorist sharing the road with vulnerable motorcyclists, you have a responsibility to do what […]

Common Causes in Florida Trucking Accident Cases

Many truck accident cases involve negligent or careless acts perpetrated by the truck driver. Often, these acts result directly from the use of illegal drugs, prescription medication, or alcohol. More recently, however, distractions such as cell phones and compact disc players have contributed to an increase in the number of accidents. Other accidents are caused […]

Symptoms That Might Indicate a Broken Collarbone After an Orlando Motorcycle Collision

In the blink of an eye, an exhilarating ride on the open road can turn into a nightmare. A Florida motorcycle accident can leave you with broken bones and a broken bike. Immediately after the crash, your mind is likely to be spinning and your blood pumping from all of the excitement surrounding the situation. […]

What to Wear to Prevent Injuries in an Orlando Motorcycle Crash

Motorcycle accidents in Orlando are a common sight on roadways. Because motorcycles can be difficult to see, they are easier for cars to accidentally hit, causing a serious crash. When this type of a crash occurs, riders are left to bear the burden of the injuries that accompany Orlando motorcycle crashes. Some common injuries include […]

Tips for Preventing a Florida Motorcycle Accident During Wet Weather

Motorcycle lovers flock to Florida for the beautiful sunny days and great riding along scenic routes. But as warm and tropical as Florida can be, there are some days where the weather is wet and then sunny, leaving roads slick and increasing bikers’ risk of a Florida motorcycle accident. For these days, motorcyclists are advised […]

Bike Week Safety Tips for Motorcyclists

Among all of the motor vehicles, motorcycles are the most vulnerable on the road. Motorcyclists are at an increased risk of injury because they lack the protection of seat-belts, airbags and the steel frame of a car. A motorcycle colliding with a vehicle is like hitting a steel wall, which can result in serious injury […]

How to Help Stop Your Friends from Riding Drunk and Risking an Orlando Motorcycle Accident

April is Alcohol Awareness Month with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Alcohol is a contributing factor in too many Orlando motorcycle accidents. When a rider is intoxicated on the back of his bike, he puts himself and other drivers at risk for a crash. If you are out with your friends and notice that […]

Daytona Bike Week Safety Tips: “Look Twice. Save a Life”

With Bike Week now underway, the Daytona Beach Fire Department and the local media are promoting, “Look twice. Save a Life,” a public safety campaign dedicated to keeping motorists aware of the presence of motorcyclists. The return of this annual event means Central Florida roads will be backed with motorcycles, along with the usual cars […]

Sleep Disorders After Motorcycle Brain Injury Accident

Motorcycle Accident Sleep Disorders Sleep is important for the body. When you do not get enough hours of sleep or the quality of sleep your body needs, you wake up feeling fatigued and lethargic the rest of the day. For people who are recovering from a Florida motorcycle accident, sleep is even more important as […]

The Top Causes of Orlando Motorcycle Wrecks

Riding a motorcycle has become the primary mode of transportation for many people in Florida. The combination of a motorcycle’s great fuel efficiency—typically more than 35 miles per gallon—and Florida’s beautiful weather year-round has many folks turning to two-wheeled machines and away from SUVs. In fact, as of 2010, more than a million individuals in […]

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We know that accidents don’t always happen during business hours. That’s why our experienced lawyers are standing by, 24/7/365, to listen to your story, evaluate your claim, and help you decide what to do next. Call us now and we’ll see if we can pursue compensation for your injuries!

Call us for a free consultation today icon 407-422-4529