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Was Your Orlando Car Accident Caused By A Driver Who Was Texting?
Distracted driving is a deadly epidemic. Texting and driving is proven to be the most dangerous distraction as it involves manual, visual and cognitive concentration. Sending or reading a text message can take your eyes off the road for up to 5 seconds. If you are traveling at a speed of 55 mph, that’s like […]
5 Tips That Can Help Car Drivers Prevent Florida Motorcycle Wrecks
For most drivers, being aware of other cars and trucks on the road comes naturally. And, other cars and trucks are usually highly visible because of their size, if for no other reason. However, motorcycles, scooters, bicycles, and other small vehicles are not as visible, making them more vulnerable to mishaps caused by unaware motorists. […]
Florida Auto Attorney Comments on Texting and Driving Accidents
Texting is one of the most dangerous things a person can do while sitting behind the wheel. We have seen a steady number of cases come through our door in which someone was involved in an Orlando car crash caused by a driver who was distracted by sending or reading a text message instead of […]
Driving Safety Tips For Easter Weekend
Easter weekend has arrived and many people will be traveling to visit with their families and loved ones. We have put together some driving safety tips to help make the roads safer for everyone. Safety Tips For Young Drivers To Prevent Car Accidents When Car Accidents Are More Likely To Occur Three Exceptions To Leaving […]
Don’t Get Pulled Over For This Simple Thing
Did you know you could get pulled over for a license plate cover. You can find more information by researching Florida statute 320.061. or by visiting the WKMG Website. Questions About A Car Accident – Call Us Right Now 407-422-4529 If you have questions about your license plate cover or any other car accident questions […]
Independent Medical Exams After Florida Car Accident
Cautions With Independent Medical Exams After Car Crash You have been hurt in a car wreck in Florida. Your injuries are nothing out of the ordinary and all of your ailments came only after the collision. While you may have tried to do everything you were asked to do by your insurance company and the […]
Facts on Reaching a Settlement in a Car Accident Case
Car Accident Case Settlement My car accident book shares my knowledge of how to get a settlement for a car accident that I’ve accumulated as a personal injury attorney in Orlando, FL. In my years of practice, I’ve seen dozens of personal injury cases and achieved settlements totaling more than ten million dollars. I’ve battled […]
Personal Grooming While Driving
Grooming While Driving Accidents Personal grooming while driving puts everyone on the road at risk of injury. If another driver has caused an accident that has resulted in an injury hold them accountable! Speak with one of our experienced Orlando car accident lawyers today. Many people believe ‘distracted driving’ is limited to texting and cell […]
9 Things You Should Know About Using Uber and Lyft in Florida
Ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft are being used more every single day. We thought it might be a good idea to put together a list detailing what you need to know when it comes to using these services. Below you find the 9 Things You Should Know About Using Uber and Lyft in Florida: […]
Take the Pledge! Use a Designated Texter
The topic of texting while driving has been thrust back into the spotlight following the release of State Farm’s 2013 Distracted Driving Survey. Among the notable findings is that the percentage of drivers who go online while behind the wheel has nearly doubled in the past five years. Now approximately 25 percent of drivers admit […]
Are You in Need of Legal Assistance?
Contact us to schedule your free consultation today.
We know that accidents don’t always happen during business hours. That’s why our experienced lawyers are standing by, 24/7/365, to listen to your story, evaluate your claim, and help you decide what to do next. Call us now and we’ll see if we can pursue compensation for your injuries!